Lacto PAFI Bringing health into your home! Fri, 10 Jul 2020 04:29:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lacto PAFI 32 32 194866635 Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture Wed, 27 May 2020 04:20:45 +0000 Continue reading Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture]]> By now, most of us already know what probiotics are and the multitude of benefits they provide especially to our health.

By definition, probiotics are a group of live microorganisms that our body needs to consume in order to stay healthy. They are especially beneficial to our digestive system, which is essentially our body’s function powerhouse. For many years, probiotics have been used in fermented food, particularly dairy, and have been recognized for their therapeutic effects.

Even ’til now, we still find a lot of these “good bacteria” incorporated in consumer products – like the ones we see in grocery stores.

However, the benefits of probiotics are not only limited to human life. We are quite familiar of how these microscopic friendlies are essential microorganisms, but it’s to no surprise that they also have positive implications in agriculture – especially since its conventional purpose would determine the success (or failure) of the global human food chain.

Lacto Pafi

What can probiotics do to the agricultural industry?

Although Lactobacillus is widely recognized by the ordinary masses, it is the farmers who are indebted to the benefits they supply most especially concerning their crops.

According to a journal, our world is in the midst of a dire food production crisis; and by the year 2020, human efforts for mass food production must be doubled.

One of the factors causing this global predicament is due to poor soil conditions caused by bad farming practices like large-scale chemical fertilizer usage, herbicides, as well as pesticides. Traditional farmers have no choice but to submit to these harmful practices because of crop damage caused by pests.

In the same article, it also mentioned that some large plantations that produce cash crops such as cocoa, coconut, coffee, and palm oil are experiencing degradation of the environment at an alarming rate.

Since the harvest determines the income of farmers resulting from their production, it devastates them when their crops fail.

That’s why probiotics or Lactobacillus is now acknowledged as a fertilizer that can help sustain their crops while providing a remedy to poor soil conditions and overall improve crop cultivation.

What are the ways Probiotics can help our agricultural sector?

According to research, even though probiotics are considered bacteria, these good types can actually boost plant growth without the use of toxic fertilizers due to some microbes that they contain. Not only that, but the use of Probiotics in farming is also significantly environmental-friendly.

Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture
Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture

So, how can using Lacto Pafi help our farmers sustain good harvest?

Plant roots become healthy

When Lacto Pafi’s Lacto Plant is deposited on land or soil, the nutrients in the rhizosphere are slowly released and absorbed by the plants – therefore resulting in healthy roots and progressive conditioning of soil.

The degree of pests and chemical-related diseases will substantially be minimized

Certain microbes in probiotics help plants overcome environmental problems like high temperatures, insects, pests, nutrient deficiencies, and toxicities.

Nutrient absorption in plants improve significantly

When these microorganisms are applied as a form of soil drench or foliar spray, the elements found in Lacto Pafi help plants absorb nutrients better, therefore improving plant growth as well.


When Lactobacillus is applied on soil, its effects make it an ideal means of organic farming as it promotes soil population because of pathogen distribution.

With all these in mind, employing the use of Lacto Pafi in the agriculture industry as a means of improvement to agriculture methods can result in a positive change to food production. It is also in this way we can help countries facing food scarcity, where farmers can be aided in crop yield increase and virtually minimize poverty as well. It is vital that the agriculture sector is given a priority as it helps the livelihood of farmers, as well as improve technology investments.

Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture
Pafi Ingenuity: Probiotics in Agriculture

If you want to more about the benefits of probiotics and the good that Lacto Pafi can bring, you may reach them at:

Lacto Pafi Sales Office
GD Uyfang Bldg., Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Tel No.: (32) 262-5103
Tele Fax: (32) 254-7102
Facebook: /HappyLactoPAFI

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Good Bacteria: Why Drink Lacto Pafi? Sat, 21 Apr 2018 02:18:21 +0000 Continue reading Good Bacteria: Why Drink Lacto Pafi?]]> Whether we like it or not, our bodies need bacteria. Those good ones, that is, to fight off the harmful ones. Thanks to this great discovery, gastro scientists have later found ways to create edible sources of these bacilli friendlies in the form of probiotic products.

When we have enough good bacteria, digestion must be good and bodies in tip-top shape. However, if these good bacteria get out of balance, digestive diseases may occur. An imbalance can also affect the way we absorb vitamins and minerals, setting us up for nutritional deficiencies. These health problems include:

  • IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating

Probiotics are known to be good bacteria, and they are responsible for keeping our guts clean. Furthermore, it benefits us as a whole, including that of oral health, urinary health, and immunity from sickness. Probiotics are commonly present in everyday food like yogurt, sauerkraut, and some types of cheeses.


The rise of probiotic drinks

In recent years, probiotics are not only present in solid food, but are now made into beverages as well. In fact, probiotic drinks are very much visible almost everywhere, like claiming its stance in a long line of beverage options.

One of the most popular brands, Yakult, has been part of every Filipino’s grocery list for over eighty years, and has evolved in flavor and size since. This Japanese brand is famous for its “6.5 million Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota”, which has shown numerous health benefits, especially those concerning the digestive system. For many years, people all over the world have attested to its positive effects on health.

Good Bacteria: Why Drink Lacto Pafi?

The evolution of probiotic drinks in the Philippines

While the esteemed reputation of Yakult has not faltered, Lacto Pafi, a homegrown brand of probiotics, has made its mark in the industry. Recently, they have expanded their coverage from health drinks to cleaning agents, fertilizers, and even personal care products, all of which boasts the utilization of organic byproducts.

Lacto Pafi has since become a household name, not only in Cebu, but in the entire Visayas and Mindanao. Its flagship product, their Probiotic Drink, was first introduced by former Vice Governor Engr. Gregorio Sanchez. Not only has he incorporated this as a brand that Cebuanos can be proud of, but also presented the benefits of probiotics in a way that is more in touch with the Filipinos’ day-to-day lives.

Why should we drink Lacto Pafi?

Lacto Pafi Probiotic Drink is a type of food supplement that aids in good digestion and aims at filling the nutrient gap keeping our bodies strong, healthy and resistant to diseases. It contains lactobacillus bacteria in eight strains that are potent enough to fight bacteria that cause common diseases and infections.

When we drink Lacto Pafi, we allow good bacteria to get into our system to clean our guts and help promote proper digestion boosting immunity. These good bacteria provide the body with sufficient amount of nutrients for optimal well-being.

The vitamins blended into Lacto Pafi include Vitamins A, C, E, K, and Vitamins B2 and B3, as well as essential amino acids. The minerals it contain are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

The best part about drinking Lacto Pafi is that it is affordable, and can easily be obtained by the masses. Anyone can, therefore, reap the benefits of drinking Lacto Pafi everyday without having to worry about dosage or the lack of it.

Even children as early as aged zero to a few months are already advised to consume at least 15 to 30mL of probiotics added to their food. On the other hand, adults are suggested to take at least 30mL daily. Lacto Pafi can also be taken any time of the day, be it before or after each meal.

So, why drink Lacto Pafi? The better question is, why not?

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